Sunday, October 25, 2015

I went to Dell'osso farm with Penny yesterday. We rode a scarecrow ride where you see a whole line of decorated scarecrows and vote for 4 you like best. They were decorated by elementary kids and they did a pretty good job xD a bunch of them were cute. There was the corn maze too. Penny had me lead the way   >< I ended up taking us in circles at times, but still fun.

The terrible part was the haunted house. The house was so dark, I couldn't see anything. The only thing you could see were the lit up "monsters" that decorated a wall. Idk how penny led the way xD Gosh I got so scared.I ended up squeezing Penny's arm....I hope I didn't stab him with my nails. He had to keep pulling me forward cuz my body was so stiff e.e did not expect to be that scared and it wasn't that bad. I hope that's the only one I ever go to.

After that, we ate a quesadilla. We were going to watch a movie, but there was an hour to spare.Michelle wanted to see the movie too, so we picked her up first. Hehehe saw Hotel Transylvania. the movie was pretty good and cute.

Yesterday was a good day :D

Thursday, October 15, 2015

When I went to the ER for my stomach pain, there were two ladies at the front windows/desks. My mom and dad drove me. My tummy hurt, so I didn't feel like talking. My mom explained to one of the ladies that my stomache was hurting and that I needed to get checked for anything. The lady gave my mom paperwork to sign and asked how old i was. My mom said 18. They lady looked at me and laughed -.- She was all, "omg, I thought she was 12." Lady, I was in pain and you dare laugh. Do your job seriously, you're in the freaken ER for heavens sake! Yes, I get it, I look younger, but are you kidding me?! I held my anger and said "uh yeah 18 ^^" Then she asked me questions like "who makes medical decisions for you?" I didn't know what else to do, so I said my mom. I just wanted to see a doctor fast >< She replies with "oh, but you're 18" in an attitude way. Then why the hell you ask? gosh, she was so stupid and rude. I didn't understand her second question and when i asked for clarification, she moved on. That was the most annoying part of that day. 

Good thing that my nurse was really nice ^^ it was a guy. He wasn't peppy. He was pretty monotone and dead xD but funny and really nice. He gave me hope, cuz I'm not so peppy and don't fit the usual nurse. 

Awww, Yun sorry I didn't get to say happy bday the day of >> I was over there. Don't worry >: D I still got a gift, just don't know when or how to give it to you yet. Happy late b-day. 

Hehehe, Penny visited me~ It made me really happy. I didn't expect myself to get that happy cuz I didn't want him to visit. I was a mess xD but it was nice. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

I bought a sandwich at targets lil food court. I found out that they toast your sandwhich for you, if you want. The sandwhich was good ^^ filled me up for the day. 

For once, my group didn't finish our bio lab first. Well no groups finished xD it was long and our "leader" was gone. 

I watched anime before and after school, I don't have my priorities straight. I know the main dude gonna end up with a character I dont like much TnT why you do this to me?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

I saw deilys yesterday ouo I wanted to make him mad so I told him,"you still suck at pool?" his face killed me xD look like he was ready to punch me. He used how he and ben won as a comeback, yet he didn't say how  was bad at it too.

In pe, the teacher locked Boss, a lady, and me inside the track. It was so hot, we were in the sun. Then some other pe teacher saw us and let us out.

My neck is so sore e.e I can't sleep comfortably. I woke up at 4 in the morning and couldnt sleep til 6. Dang karlas hamster scared me. When I got up at 4, I went to use the bathroom. The house was all dark and when I go out, I heard a noise like a rolly chair rolling on the tiled.I forgot all about the hamster, so I got scared.The noise was from the hamster running on its lil wheel. The wheel sounded so loud tho.

Man, I got you guys on my mind all the time~ Like I keep wanting to get you guys gifts, but your bdays and Christmas are still many days away xD We should all skype.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Karla's been bringing over her bf more now that they both go to school together. He comes over to wait for his mom to pick him up. My mom told my dad that he has another son now xD I'm getting used to his presence now.

Apparently my dad officially found out about penny yesterday cuz the first time my mom told him, he really thought she was messing with him. It wasn't bad ^^ he reacts better than my mom. He just seemed a bit sad cuz he was the last to find out (since that first time doesn't count, I guess).

So far, I at least have one person to talk to in my classes :D except for math.Good thing math Isn't my longest class. Turns out that Adriana does remember how we were friends cuz she talked about it the other day. I thought she forgot it all, cuz she didn't mention anything about it, but that's good to know.

Michelle and I are going to decorate our empty wall above the tv with origami butterflies. I don't have to worry about hw today~ Yay.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tsk Tsk v.v

My dad is so mean, he locked michelle outside xD its 9 and dark outside. Michelle kept knocking on the door and ringing the bell. My dad watched through the peephole to see what michelle would do. She got scared, sat down, and started to cry on the door mat. He let her in and she was so mad, poor thing. He kept telling her he was playing around and watching her, she kept saying "No you didn't! I kept knocking." so mean xD don't worry michelle, we can get payback later.

I treated my mom to lunch today : D we were both hungry and i had to get something from target. We got alfredo pasta and bread sticks from the lil food court. After that I got a new scrub, and more granola bars. I didn't have snacks for school today nor yesterday, so my tummy growled ><

 I always forget to update, gotta work on that ^u^my bad

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Late update

On Tues, I went to the mall with penny. He drove me around this time. He did okay >> but then he made a bad turn at one point. The mall was fun just dont really know what to do there.

On wed, Chan visited me >u< and she gave me snacks and cute stuff. She sure likes to spoil our group. She came with adrian and I was so happy. Idk how to survive guys xD seeing them felt like I went a month in isolation.

I felt kinda bad today. I only knew a dude from my first period class so I kind of stuck to him. He prob didn't care >< but still bad habit of mine. Did that to egg too, cuz we were both leaving math. I just felt like a bother D: cuz I just stand there quietly even when they see other friends which led to the awkward handshaking and kinda meeting ppl xD gah, oh well at least I see Boss tomorrow. It's always a relief to see her.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Finally, my card for  fafsa finally came in on friday ouo I was trying to activate it the day of, but I didn't know what to do. My bro wouldn't respond to my messages and when he did, the site went down. I was able to activate the card yesterday and pay back my bro for my books xD gah finally. Now i don't have to worry about getting my things for school. I want to get a library card at delta for the drawing books >> Imma be so lazy to do hw...I can already tell.

Rain, sounds like your having fun ^^ you look so cute in your pic. Yun have fun in dance and I wish you luck. Mina, where are you xD

Friday, August 21, 2015

I went with Yun and played pool today ^^ I was iffy about going today cuz I don't really talk to the other two. I thought it would be really awkward for me, but everything felt okay. I was able to talk like usual. Maybe delta has helped me become more social in a way xD anyways, I had fun Yun even tho I sucked. Got to try something new

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Today felt better than yesterday. I was still shaky, but i liked today's classes more. >> Drew was there and helped me find my class, but wrong class... I went to 2nd period on accident  thinking it was first period. So he showed me to my "first period" class xD at least I found out where my 2nd period was before class started.
My teacher for first period is nice and funny. I met a girl named Maddy, she looks like a popular girl who doesn't care to talk to ppl but she was nice. We exchanged numbers. Math had some annoying ppl. Its an okay class thought.
Imma dislike biology cuz the class is long and the teacher is nice, but its going to be so boring o-o After 2nd period, I went to the bookstore to get a workbook. The line was longgggg. Boss was in the middle of the line and I was at the end. We got our books together tho. My mom wouldn't answer her phone to pick me up, so Boss asked me if I wanted to go to the mall with her. Might as well
We were walking for a while in the parking lot cuz Boss lost her car xD we went to the mall for a bit and Boss drove me home. Good thing I went with Boss, ,my mom didnt respond til an hour something later. I would have been waiting in the heat, then walking home in it. It's so hot. Ty so much Boss <3

Monday, August 17, 2015

Today was my first day for school >< at least I had Boss with me first period, our teach didn't show up tho. Good Boss can drive, she took me to the mall with her and we shared food. I still haven't gotten my money from fafsa and need to get my books this week. Imma have to borrow money from my bro ;-; It was so hot today. Tomorrow I will be solo >> scary...Forgot Nancy was going to delta, but I didn't see her today, maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I had a weird dream last night xD for some reason mr lewis was in it and we had a really mean teach and mr lewis thought she was mean too. That's all I remember. Gah, I dont want to go back to schoooool. I spent this week watching anime and cleaning. HunterxHunter is so good~ I dont like how theres a guy narrating the current fight tho .-.

Friday, July 24, 2015

First Date *o*

Yesterday, I went on my first date with penny >////< i was so nervous all morning. We were supposed to meet at the theater around 1, but my mom decided to wash some dishes at the last min. Penny was already waiting for me, but we didn't miss any parts of the movie even when we waited in line for popcorn and soda. He seemed pretty calm but I was worried of my face turning read cuz then I feel too warm and sometimes end up getting a lil sweaty xD I didn't want to get all warm. I felt more relaxed when the movie started. We watched the minions. It was a cute movie, especially cuz of Bob. 

After the movie we went to the thai restaurant. We got kind of quiet there, it was fine tho. Then it was awkward cuz a lady came in the restaurant being loud on her phone. The owners tried to kick her out and she tried to walk out without paying, but that failed. She finally left the place but left a bra on the table? We sure went on a strange day. The ppl in the restaurant were laughing like "wth did she really just leave this?" We went for ice cream and we sat on one of the blocks next to the fountains and there was an old man practicing yoga or something....It got hot so we moved to the fountain in the shade. Penny tried to show me a "trick" and it failed. He tried to scare me too, that failed. He noticed that my face would go re easily and started to mess with me. Penny was having too much fun with it -3- like he would stare at me and when my face got red, he would laugh. That butt. Oh and an old man sat near us with his cigarette -.- like cmon, you really gonna do that? I tried not to breathe but he sat near us for a while. Some little kids got near the fountain. The girl was pushing her lil sis in the stroller and tried to scare her by saying that she would put her in the water xD the lil sis got so scared. Then the girl and her bro started getting pennies from the fountain. I had to go home early cuz my bro could only pick me up once he got out of work, so I left around 5. When I got home my dad tried to pretend to be mad at me by saying "barely coming home now? " but I knew he was kidding. I went outside to check on Michelle, then my mom asked me "do you have a boyfriieeenddd~" since she saw Penny when she dropped me off. I told her no, she can't know yet >.>

So my family and I decided to go to 99 for a few things. When we got there the hobo who usually sit there, got up and was walking backwards...We just kept walking and went into the store. We were near the entrance and saw two black guys run to the hobo and throw him to the floor. They kept hitting him while he was down e.e Then some dumb lady walks in saying "mind your own business" Bitch if that were you on the floor, you would be crying for ppl to jump into your business. excuse my language ^^ she ticked me off. Some guy was already calling the cops, I wanted all the men to get together and jump in but that was risky too since you never know if a person is carrying a weapon .-. A car drove by to pick up the dudes and they rode off. Ppl went to help the man. I tried not to stare. Some dumb ppl were smiling and saying "dayum they're kicking his ass" whats wrong with ppl. Now dangerous things have become amusing. Like how ppl record dumb fights for the heck of posting it on youtube and worldstar. It's stupid and the two guys who thought they were really thug for ganging up the guy are stupid too. Really? it was two against one. That's a bitch move. Dumb lady and ppl. Anyways aside from my venting. xD We continued to shop normally 

In the end, I'm so happy about the date ^u^ but what a weird day

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Well yesterday I finally went out with a neighbor and Michelle's friends. I got a free slurpee at 7/11 and a hot dog~ I was so happy and on our walk back, a bir poooped on my hand -w- thx a lot bird. It just had to kill the mood. At least it didn't fall in my slurpee. That's the most that happened. I've been staying home most of my time.

I went back to reading a book Dae lent me. I didn't get past pg 20 until now because the beginning of the book was kind of boring to me. Now that I got past the beginning, the book is good ^^ a romance has started to bloom. I've been going back to my manga an anime too. It feels nice to go back and finish them. Oh and the book is called The Commoner.

I miss having school too cuz we got to see each other a lot.

Monday, June 29, 2015

So yesterday I had a dream that some dude liked me xD he wanted to carry me, but I said "Eh sorry, I dont feel comfortable with ppl touching me." But really I thought of penny and it felt like that would be betraying him >.> I can't believe i have thoughts like in my dreams now, its funny.

I figured out what was going on with my financial aid. I was missing one form to turn in. I can be more at ease now.

 Mine E, I didn't get that text from Boss xD and Yun you going through anime so fast.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

So I gotta deal with dome delta fees before i register -3- gah so annoying. My neighbor asked if I wanted to join a group of hers to go on trips to college campuses, nah. I went to quickly's for the first time yesterday xD I thought itd look like those frozen yogurt shops, but it was a small simple place. I should read a book this week ^^ I never finished the book dae let me borrow and I gotta return some things to her.

Gosh ppl keep teasing me about penny cuz he went on a family vacation for a month xD guys we barely even saw eachother even when he was here. I like walking at the levee near my house. There's barely any ppl and its nice to go when the heat goes down. I wanna go out more, even if we wonder around a park or something.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Yesterday I kept getting texts from a "fiind your soulmate" thing. It was annoying cuz the message was being sent like 3 times. Then jay group chatted me, penny, and kayla's man xD cuz he is kayla's man~ Anyways, Jay was messing around and saying "you guys, should I join?" but then I told him how I kept getting it too. Penny played dumb and was all "How come you all got it and not me?" Jay just said "what!? you want it?" In the end it was penny messing with everyone and trying to see who would respond. Only one person did of 6 ppl xD that was funny cuz he showed us the texts.

I finished my stuff for delta today .-. just gotta wait to register for classes. I hope I have classes with boss. I wish it was wednesday so I can meet up with everyone already ^^

Friday, June 12, 2015

I feel like I spent these past weeks sitting in my room,, but I didn't. I forget that I went out to the movies with the others o-o I forgot all about delta. Boss said she's gotten emails to turn in paperwork? I'm a lil worried cuz I haven't gotten any emails from what do I do now?

I thought I got better with my social skills, but that was proven wrong today e.e I went to the store real quick with my mom and sisters. My face got red when we got to the cashier. There were ppl behind us in the line and I felt bad, cuz my face still tuns red easily Dx why? What makes it worse is that the weather is so hot, so I was red and sweaty, then I got even sweatier ono hate it when that happens. At those times, I prefer to be without my glasses and see everyone as blurrs. Eh, but I dont like to be without my glasses. I don't like how I look without them.

Oh yeah, tomorrow we might babysit a baby ^^ my mom's friend asked if we could. I hope so~ It's nice to see a baby.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Romance Movie?

I got up at 9 cuz today jay wanted to watch a movie with penny, me, and kaylas man. It was a romance kind of movie? xD not really. Someone didn't wake up today for it, so it was just me,penny and jay. The movie was okay, a lil too cheesy at some parts. It was about two diff couples and seeing how their relationship would end. In the movie ppl live their life according to relatinship points? idk how else to explain it. Basically if you've had a history of good relationships, you have high points. We just talked through skype (no vids cuz none of us would turn on our cams) and we just played the movie at the same time to be in sync. When the movie was over, penny had to go. It was jay and me. I got food and had a ketchup bottle. I squirt the ketchup and it made the lil fart mic was still on. I quickly told jay "that was my ketchup." He didn't believe me tho xD gah, he will forever believe that I farted

Saturday, June 6, 2015

I tried the oil crayons today xD eh, Imma need a lot of practice.I used a google pic for reference. At least it looks like a fish right? I just scribbled around the fish cuz I didn't care for the background anymore. Well just gotta keep practicing. Especially the basics...

This sun is killing my energy >.< gah, I wish for more cool days. I want some tacos today. My head hurts. I want to try more new things ^^ and I need more things to take up my time.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Things To Do

Well, Penny and I are being very slow xD I'm okay with that cuz I don't think I'm ready to make things official. I'm just getting used to being around him. Gah, my face was getting red when we first met up at the movies. After the movies, I was able to talk to him more and actually look him in the eyes. Penny is so nice ^^ I keep repeating that phrase to ppl. He just is xD I'm glad my friends have always been so supportive~ that really makes me happy.

Ok so for summer plans....btw Nana, I really like this idea. So for the summer I plan to:
-Practice using the oil crayons Min-E gave me ^^ ty <3
-Get back into excercising by dancing and doing workout vids
-Shed off some pounds (mainly on my tummy and thighs)
- I weigh 113 lb right now, so I shall keep that recorded (I'm not so scared to share that with you guys now)
-Go back to drawing and practice painting more
-Work on more crafts (maybe make more mini jar charms)
-Try to update my blog more
-Learn CLC's Pepe with Karla (she wants to learn it too, weirdo)
-Drink more water and eat less junk(I hope I didn't leave anything out)

I gotta drink more water >.> most of my liquid intake has been soda. Idk, how I've survived this far cuz its that bad. This week I've been drinking just water and now soda doesn't taste so good anymore D: It's weird. Oh and penny asked me what were the most fun/ memorable moments i can remember...I don't think I can tell him about how I released dragons during one of our practices xD It was embarrassing, but we laughed so hard that day that I can't forget.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

So late

I didn't post anything for such a busy week >n< I'll just randomly run through somethings.

On graduation .-. it was too hot. I got so sweaty,ew. I didn't get to take pictures with all my friends because my parents wanted to leave after we took a few pics. We took like 5 xD My family doesn't like pics much. I got to take 2 pics with Yun. After that my family and I went to the buffet next to the mall. The food there isn't as good as it used to be. I saw Jay there and I remember Penny telling me how him, Aaron, and Jay were all related. So when I saw Jay I thought, "It would be funny/weird if Penny walked in right now."....and he did. I felt my face go red when I saw him and he sat down a few seats across from me. We were indirectly facing eachother. I got up to get some desert and I saw Jenny and Aaron. Jenny was so nervous cuz it was her first time eating with Aaron's family. I told her to just stare at me if she freaks out. So when we all sat down Jenny looked at penny then looked at me like "hehe he's right there~" Thats not what I meant by "just stare at me" I just stared at her like "shush D:" so much can be said without words.
Penny and I had an awkward aura? whenever he had to get up and pass by me to get more food. He got up a lot xD  We finished up and were heading out. I waved goodbye to Penny. That was weird how we all ended up there and funny.

At our senior breakfast, i avoided the first half of ppl not singing to me. Adrian tried to start it, but failed. When Mr. Thom was handing out the coins, I couldn't avoid the birthday song anymore. I got up to get my coin, but then everyone started to sing Happy Birthday. It was so weird. I didn't know if I should just stand there or walk back to my friends xD too awkward so I walked back to my friends. Sing to me in my more comfy area. It made me happy though. After that we went to the movies and ate. I felt bad cuz I ended up dragging everyone around >n<Moomoos was pretty good. Everyone planned for me and Penny to sit together xD thx? He kept telling me to help him finish his fries. I tried, but he had too much fries. He paid for my food too. Penny is so nice and he wouldn't even let me see how much it cost xD

Well in the end, it was just me, Penny, and his two friends at the park. His friends started to open up to me about issues and stuff o: Penny said that was the first time he ever his his friends talk about that stuff. Must be the last day of being at school effect.I learned so much and talked to ppl more that day ^^ I'm glad we all went out together. Ppl spoiled me on my birthday xD thx guys. Oh and I'm happy that I finally got to give my friends their charms.

This hot weather is killing my energy D: I gotta work on getting rid of some tummy fat too. We should meet up during this summer and finish PePe :D

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Is it a big deal to miss thursday and friday? I don't want to go to school, since there's no reason for me to be there in the first place .-. I hope my teacher doesn't forget to make the final for 4th period. If he does, then I would have to go on friday >.< I guess I won't be able to make my friends the flan and cheesecake this week. I still have next week~ Also, I hope everyone can make it to ice skating. We all need that feel of fun and freedom, to end the year.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I forgot that I haven't been able to give my friends a decent cheesecake this year D: I made mini ones before, but I was missing some ingredients so it wasn't that good. Before the year ends. I wanna give them some flan and cheesecake.
I've been talking to Penny more ^^ I'm falling to deep...its scary in a way sometimes. I have weird moments where I want to feel nothing and times where I'm happy to feel bubbly about it. So many thoughts on my mind (and schoolwork).

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Graduation is coming by so quickly. I am just done with school, but i don’t want to say goodbye to my friends yet. It’s scary to hear other people talk though. They talk about how great it’s going to be to leave this place and make new friends. It’s sounds like they are so ready to cut off their ties with this city, even the friendships made here. I get it that it is their way of a fresh start or to be free from this city, but it’s not for me. I don’t mind not being able to go as far away from this place as possible, it’s not my top priority. I love the friends I made and I won’t forget them. See, I'm even getting cheesy about it ^^; You don’t have to let go of everything here as if it was just for “the time being.” Dude that’s why there’s social media. You’ll finally use it for what it meant for, to stay connected with people somehow. I feel so clingy xD but I just want to enjoy the time I have with my friends, as much as possible. I don’t want to throw away these years of friendship “to start a new life” or some other crap. They are the positive part of my life, I won’t easily throw it away as if the friendship was a goop of icky ness from this city. This city isn’t so bad, tbh.

Gah, I was watching anime the other day and it just kept reminding me of what my friends were telling me about confessions D: I watched a show called My Love Story, and an ugly guy was the main character. I say ugly because the creators actually made him that way xD new perspective, I guess. But in the anime, the other main character,a girl, was thinking about confessing to the guy. It’s a cute story so far. Then it had me thinking about confessions -3- nonono, so i changed to a diff show. I forgot what i was watching, but phrases like “you’ll never know what will happen if you don’t give it a try.” or “If you don’t tell the person how you feel. you’ll regret it.” kept popping up. xD I felt like my friends were talking to me about a confession all over again. Dang tv. My mind just runs in circles when I think about it >////< Only you guys shall hear this girly crushy side of me. Why you do this to me, Penny? u: Why do I do this to myslef? Shoo shoo worrysome thoiughts. The thoughts of confessions are haunting me ;-;

Friday, May 8, 2015

Mini Charms

I'm trying to make charms for my friends, but I suck at combining colors xD Also, I'm limited on colors. Gah, I need to get some more beads somehow. o: I should get lil ribbons too


So in the morning when I was waiting for class, Penny asked me if I was going to do a "walk" for graduation? I just said nope o-o. He tried to convince me then I changed the topic and told him to look at my new phone charm. He looked at it and just took my phone along with it. Penny wouldn't give it back until I promised to do a walk -w- I told a lil fib to get my phone back. He probably already knew tho.

Well I spent most of my day in free periods. In 3rd period, I saw Penny sitting solo at some times, but I couldn't go up to him >.< Then, he got up to shoot some basketball hoops and I watched him for a bit. He was being pretty chill at first then he started messing around and making weird shots xD At the end of class, he asked me about the walk I was going to do and I kept saying that I would just walk normally. What's up with him and graduation walks?
I kind of watched him and then he start messing around and shooting weird. Well I got to talk to him more today.

After school, I went to Starbucks with my friend. He kept saying that he was a good driver, but missed a road bump and made an ugly turn at some point. He was singing terribly in the car and we just kept talking about random stuff. It was fun, but then he got cranky because of traffic. We got our drinks and he dropped me off back at school. Today was fun. I don't think I have the guts to confess to Penny xD But I don't see a reason not to do it or to do so. Idk

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I just wrote a whole post...but I didn't get to save it .-. oh well, gotta start all over.
So today my dad had to give his friend a ride home. His friend is young and he still lives in the old apartments that my family used to live in. The guy used to be one of my brother's friends. They started talking about the people who used to live in the apartments when we were their too. I started to think about them too.

I remember my brother would hang out with his friends Panya, Lee, and some other dudes. My sister and I would hang out with Panya's sister, Rosa. Living in those apartments was so much fun because everyday people would go outside and play. I remember that my sister and Rosa would sing with me in the parking lot. There was a block of cement that we'd use for a little stage xD we were so terrible, but we thought we were good. We had a friend named James who fought a mean girl. I just remember James smacking a face and earrings flying (he was so nice tho o-o the girl had it coming). Then there was Anika who lived next to my family's apartment. Our windows were close to each other, so she would use a plank or something to give us food through the window P: We called the apartments Manchester since it was the street's name (I forgot what they were actually called). You lived there and almost knew all the people who lived there. I remember coming at 9 sometimes and covered in dirt or grass stains. People would play outside each day, unlike how dead things outside are now. I wonder how everyone is doing now. It would be nice to see them all again. My brother reached Panya somehow and turns out that Panya moved to LA. Lee went to Lincoln and that's all I know. I wonder if they even remember me xD Today brought back some good memories~

Sunday, May 3, 2015

I saw my older post and noticed that I accidentally put a white background on the text and it bothers me -o- Idk how to remove it tho. Hopefully my friend can tell me tomorrow. So I talked to the person again. He tried to get me mad for some reason, but it failed. Now he doesn't respond to my last text >n< Is this part of him trying to get me mad? I'm not mad, just wondering why I get no response. When a person doesn't respond, your mind just wonders why. Like did I say something wrong? or did you just fall asleep... I also have an essay to do and this occupies my mind! I should settle down by watching some tv. Unproductive, but relaxing~ (Oh yeah, today was my lil sister's birthday. She was so happy today, it was cute. Man, she's growing up so fast.)
4/28- Well yesterday in English, penny texted me in class (By penny I mean a dude I like. His name just somehow connects to a penny xD My friends and I always create names for people.) He was telling me not fall asleep in class -o- I only had my head down. I wasn't sleeping man. But I was happy on the inside that he texted me first. I wanted to smile while texting him, but I tried to keep my face straight. I tried so hard that I ended up looking pissed off, >.< gah.  Our chat ended because he had to do a presentation. I should have said good luck huh? Nah, he did fine anyways. Yeah... I like emojis.