Thursday, October 15, 2015

When I went to the ER for my stomach pain, there were two ladies at the front windows/desks. My mom and dad drove me. My tummy hurt, so I didn't feel like talking. My mom explained to one of the ladies that my stomache was hurting and that I needed to get checked for anything. The lady gave my mom paperwork to sign and asked how old i was. My mom said 18. They lady looked at me and laughed -.- She was all, "omg, I thought she was 12." Lady, I was in pain and you dare laugh. Do your job seriously, you're in the freaken ER for heavens sake! Yes, I get it, I look younger, but are you kidding me?! I held my anger and said "uh yeah 18 ^^" Then she asked me questions like "who makes medical decisions for you?" I didn't know what else to do, so I said my mom. I just wanted to see a doctor fast >< She replies with "oh, but you're 18" in an attitude way. Then why the hell you ask? gosh, she was so stupid and rude. I didn't understand her second question and when i asked for clarification, she moved on. That was the most annoying part of that day. 

Good thing that my nurse was really nice ^^ it was a guy. He wasn't peppy. He was pretty monotone and dead xD but funny and really nice. He gave me hope, cuz I'm not so peppy and don't fit the usual nurse. 

Awww, Yun sorry I didn't get to say happy bday the day of >> I was over there. Don't worry >: D I still got a gift, just don't know when or how to give it to you yet. Happy late b-day. 

Hehehe, Penny visited me~ It made me really happy. I didn't expect myself to get that happy cuz I didn't want him to visit. I was a mess xD but it was nice. 

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