Thursday, August 27, 2015

Late update

On Tues, I went to the mall with penny. He drove me around this time. He did okay >> but then he made a bad turn at one point. The mall was fun just dont really know what to do there.

On wed, Chan visited me >u< and she gave me snacks and cute stuff. She sure likes to spoil our group. She came with adrian and I was so happy. Idk how to survive guys xD seeing them felt like I went a month in isolation.

I felt kinda bad today. I only knew a dude from my first period class so I kind of stuck to him. He prob didn't care >< but still bad habit of mine. Did that to egg too, cuz we were both leaving math. I just felt like a bother D: cuz I just stand there quietly even when they see other friends which led to the awkward handshaking and kinda meeting ppl xD gah, oh well at least I see Boss tomorrow. It's always a relief to see her.

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