Saturday, May 30, 2015

So late

I didn't post anything for such a busy week >n< I'll just randomly run through somethings.

On graduation .-. it was too hot. I got so sweaty,ew. I didn't get to take pictures with all my friends because my parents wanted to leave after we took a few pics. We took like 5 xD My family doesn't like pics much. I got to take 2 pics with Yun. After that my family and I went to the buffet next to the mall. The food there isn't as good as it used to be. I saw Jay there and I remember Penny telling me how him, Aaron, and Jay were all related. So when I saw Jay I thought, "It would be funny/weird if Penny walked in right now."....and he did. I felt my face go red when I saw him and he sat down a few seats across from me. We were indirectly facing eachother. I got up to get some desert and I saw Jenny and Aaron. Jenny was so nervous cuz it was her first time eating with Aaron's family. I told her to just stare at me if she freaks out. So when we all sat down Jenny looked at penny then looked at me like "hehe he's right there~" Thats not what I meant by "just stare at me" I just stared at her like "shush D:" so much can be said without words.
Penny and I had an awkward aura? whenever he had to get up and pass by me to get more food. He got up a lot xD  We finished up and were heading out. I waved goodbye to Penny. That was weird how we all ended up there and funny.

At our senior breakfast, i avoided the first half of ppl not singing to me. Adrian tried to start it, but failed. When Mr. Thom was handing out the coins, I couldn't avoid the birthday song anymore. I got up to get my coin, but then everyone started to sing Happy Birthday. It was so weird. I didn't know if I should just stand there or walk back to my friends xD too awkward so I walked back to my friends. Sing to me in my more comfy area. It made me happy though. After that we went to the movies and ate. I felt bad cuz I ended up dragging everyone around >n<Moomoos was pretty good. Everyone planned for me and Penny to sit together xD thx? He kept telling me to help him finish his fries. I tried, but he had too much fries. He paid for my food too. Penny is so nice and he wouldn't even let me see how much it cost xD

Well in the end, it was just me, Penny, and his two friends at the park. His friends started to open up to me about issues and stuff o: Penny said that was the first time he ever his his friends talk about that stuff. Must be the last day of being at school effect.I learned so much and talked to ppl more that day ^^ I'm glad we all went out together. Ppl spoiled me on my birthday xD thx guys. Oh and I'm happy that I finally got to give my friends their charms.

This hot weather is killing my energy D: I gotta work on getting rid of some tummy fat too. We should meet up during this summer and finish PePe :D

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Is it a big deal to miss thursday and friday? I don't want to go to school, since there's no reason for me to be there in the first place .-. I hope my teacher doesn't forget to make the final for 4th period. If he does, then I would have to go on friday >.< I guess I won't be able to make my friends the flan and cheesecake this week. I still have next week~ Also, I hope everyone can make it to ice skating. We all need that feel of fun and freedom, to end the year.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I forgot that I haven't been able to give my friends a decent cheesecake this year D: I made mini ones before, but I was missing some ingredients so it wasn't that good. Before the year ends. I wanna give them some flan and cheesecake.
I've been talking to Penny more ^^ I'm falling to deep...its scary in a way sometimes. I have weird moments where I want to feel nothing and times where I'm happy to feel bubbly about it. So many thoughts on my mind (and schoolwork).

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Graduation is coming by so quickly. I am just done with school, but i don’t want to say goodbye to my friends yet. It’s scary to hear other people talk though. They talk about how great it’s going to be to leave this place and make new friends. It’s sounds like they are so ready to cut off their ties with this city, even the friendships made here. I get it that it is their way of a fresh start or to be free from this city, but it’s not for me. I don’t mind not being able to go as far away from this place as possible, it’s not my top priority. I love the friends I made and I won’t forget them. See, I'm even getting cheesy about it ^^; You don’t have to let go of everything here as if it was just for “the time being.” Dude that’s why there’s social media. You’ll finally use it for what it meant for, to stay connected with people somehow. I feel so clingy xD but I just want to enjoy the time I have with my friends, as much as possible. I don’t want to throw away these years of friendship “to start a new life” or some other crap. They are the positive part of my life, I won’t easily throw it away as if the friendship was a goop of icky ness from this city. This city isn’t so bad, tbh.

Gah, I was watching anime the other day and it just kept reminding me of what my friends were telling me about confessions D: I watched a show called My Love Story, and an ugly guy was the main character. I say ugly because the creators actually made him that way xD new perspective, I guess. But in the anime, the other main character,a girl, was thinking about confessing to the guy. It’s a cute story so far. Then it had me thinking about confessions -3- nonono, so i changed to a diff show. I forgot what i was watching, but phrases like “you’ll never know what will happen if you don’t give it a try.” or “If you don’t tell the person how you feel. you’ll regret it.” kept popping up. xD I felt like my friends were talking to me about a confession all over again. Dang tv. My mind just runs in circles when I think about it >////< Only you guys shall hear this girly crushy side of me. Why you do this to me, Penny? u: Why do I do this to myslef? Shoo shoo worrysome thoiughts. The thoughts of confessions are haunting me ;-;

Friday, May 8, 2015

Mini Charms

I'm trying to make charms for my friends, but I suck at combining colors xD Also, I'm limited on colors. Gah, I need to get some more beads somehow. o: I should get lil ribbons too


So in the morning when I was waiting for class, Penny asked me if I was going to do a "walk" for graduation? I just said nope o-o. He tried to convince me then I changed the topic and told him to look at my new phone charm. He looked at it and just took my phone along with it. Penny wouldn't give it back until I promised to do a walk -w- I told a lil fib to get my phone back. He probably already knew tho.

Well I spent most of my day in free periods. In 3rd period, I saw Penny sitting solo at some times, but I couldn't go up to him >.< Then, he got up to shoot some basketball hoops and I watched him for a bit. He was being pretty chill at first then he started messing around and making weird shots xD At the end of class, he asked me about the walk I was going to do and I kept saying that I would just walk normally. What's up with him and graduation walks?
I kind of watched him and then he start messing around and shooting weird. Well I got to talk to him more today.

After school, I went to Starbucks with my friend. He kept saying that he was a good driver, but missed a road bump and made an ugly turn at some point. He was singing terribly in the car and we just kept talking about random stuff. It was fun, but then he got cranky because of traffic. We got our drinks and he dropped me off back at school. Today was fun. I don't think I have the guts to confess to Penny xD But I don't see a reason not to do it or to do so. Idk

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I just wrote a whole post...but I didn't get to save it .-. oh well, gotta start all over.
So today my dad had to give his friend a ride home. His friend is young and he still lives in the old apartments that my family used to live in. The guy used to be one of my brother's friends. They started talking about the people who used to live in the apartments when we were their too. I started to think about them too.

I remember my brother would hang out with his friends Panya, Lee, and some other dudes. My sister and I would hang out with Panya's sister, Rosa. Living in those apartments was so much fun because everyday people would go outside and play. I remember that my sister and Rosa would sing with me in the parking lot. There was a block of cement that we'd use for a little stage xD we were so terrible, but we thought we were good. We had a friend named James who fought a mean girl. I just remember James smacking a face and earrings flying (he was so nice tho o-o the girl had it coming). Then there was Anika who lived next to my family's apartment. Our windows were close to each other, so she would use a plank or something to give us food through the window P: We called the apartments Manchester since it was the street's name (I forgot what they were actually called). You lived there and almost knew all the people who lived there. I remember coming at 9 sometimes and covered in dirt or grass stains. People would play outside each day, unlike how dead things outside are now. I wonder how everyone is doing now. It would be nice to see them all again. My brother reached Panya somehow and turns out that Panya moved to LA. Lee went to Lincoln and that's all I know. I wonder if they even remember me xD Today brought back some good memories~

Sunday, May 3, 2015

I saw my older post and noticed that I accidentally put a white background on the text and it bothers me -o- Idk how to remove it tho. Hopefully my friend can tell me tomorrow. So I talked to the person again. He tried to get me mad for some reason, but it failed. Now he doesn't respond to my last text >n< Is this part of him trying to get me mad? I'm not mad, just wondering why I get no response. When a person doesn't respond, your mind just wonders why. Like did I say something wrong? or did you just fall asleep... I also have an essay to do and this occupies my mind! I should settle down by watching some tv. Unproductive, but relaxing~ (Oh yeah, today was my lil sister's birthday. She was so happy today, it was cute. Man, she's growing up so fast.)
4/28- Well yesterday in English, penny texted me in class (By penny I mean a dude I like. His name just somehow connects to a penny xD My friends and I always create names for people.) He was telling me not fall asleep in class -o- I only had my head down. I wasn't sleeping man. But I was happy on the inside that he texted me first. I wanted to smile while texting him, but I tried to keep my face straight. I tried so hard that I ended up looking pissed off, >.< gah.  Our chat ended because he had to do a presentation. I should have said good luck huh? Nah, he did fine anyways. Yeah... I like emojis.