Thursday, August 27, 2015

Late update

On Tues, I went to the mall with penny. He drove me around this time. He did okay >> but then he made a bad turn at one point. The mall was fun just dont really know what to do there.

On wed, Chan visited me >u< and she gave me snacks and cute stuff. She sure likes to spoil our group. She came with adrian and I was so happy. Idk how to survive guys xD seeing them felt like I went a month in isolation.

I felt kinda bad today. I only knew a dude from my first period class so I kind of stuck to him. He prob didn't care >< but still bad habit of mine. Did that to egg too, cuz we were both leaving math. I just felt like a bother D: cuz I just stand there quietly even when they see other friends which led to the awkward handshaking and kinda meeting ppl xD gah, oh well at least I see Boss tomorrow. It's always a relief to see her.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Finally, my card for  fafsa finally came in on friday ouo I was trying to activate it the day of, but I didn't know what to do. My bro wouldn't respond to my messages and when he did, the site went down. I was able to activate the card yesterday and pay back my bro for my books xD gah finally. Now i don't have to worry about getting my things for school. I want to get a library card at delta for the drawing books >> Imma be so lazy to do hw...I can already tell.

Rain, sounds like your having fun ^^ you look so cute in your pic. Yun have fun in dance and I wish you luck. Mina, where are you xD

Friday, August 21, 2015

I went with Yun and played pool today ^^ I was iffy about going today cuz I don't really talk to the other two. I thought it would be really awkward for me, but everything felt okay. I was able to talk like usual. Maybe delta has helped me become more social in a way xD anyways, I had fun Yun even tho I sucked. Got to try something new

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Today felt better than yesterday. I was still shaky, but i liked today's classes more. >> Drew was there and helped me find my class, but wrong class... I went to 2nd period on accident  thinking it was first period. So he showed me to my "first period" class xD at least I found out where my 2nd period was before class started.
My teacher for first period is nice and funny. I met a girl named Maddy, she looks like a popular girl who doesn't care to talk to ppl but she was nice. We exchanged numbers. Math had some annoying ppl. Its an okay class thought.
Imma dislike biology cuz the class is long and the teacher is nice, but its going to be so boring o-o After 2nd period, I went to the bookstore to get a workbook. The line was longgggg. Boss was in the middle of the line and I was at the end. We got our books together tho. My mom wouldn't answer her phone to pick me up, so Boss asked me if I wanted to go to the mall with her. Might as well
We were walking for a while in the parking lot cuz Boss lost her car xD we went to the mall for a bit and Boss drove me home. Good thing I went with Boss, ,my mom didnt respond til an hour something later. I would have been waiting in the heat, then walking home in it. It's so hot. Ty so much Boss <3

Monday, August 17, 2015

Today was my first day for school >< at least I had Boss with me first period, our teach didn't show up tho. Good Boss can drive, she took me to the mall with her and we shared food. I still haven't gotten my money from fafsa and need to get my books this week. Imma have to borrow money from my bro ;-; It was so hot today. Tomorrow I will be solo >> scary...Forgot Nancy was going to delta, but I didn't see her today, maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I had a weird dream last night xD for some reason mr lewis was in it and we had a really mean teach and mr lewis thought she was mean too. That's all I remember. Gah, I dont want to go back to schoooool. I spent this week watching anime and cleaning. HunterxHunter is so good~ I dont like how theres a guy narrating the current fight tho .-.