After the movie we went to the thai restaurant. We got kind of quiet there, it was fine tho. Then it was awkward cuz a lady came in the restaurant being loud on her phone. The owners tried to kick her out and she tried to walk out without paying, but that failed. She finally left the place but left a bra on the table? We sure went on a strange day. The ppl in the restaurant were laughing like "wth did she really just leave this?" We went for ice cream and we sat on one of the blocks next to the fountains and there was an old man practicing yoga or something....It got hot so we moved to the fountain in the shade. Penny tried to show me a "trick" and it failed. He tried to scare me too, that failed. He noticed that my face would go re easily and started to mess with me. Penny was having too much fun with it -3- like he would stare at me and when my face got red, he would laugh. That butt. Oh and an old man sat near us with his cigarette -.- like cmon, you really gonna do that? I tried not to breathe but he sat near us for a while. Some little kids got near the fountain. The girl was pushing her lil sis in the stroller and tried to scare her by saying that she would put her in the water xD the lil sis got so scared. Then the girl and her bro started getting pennies from the fountain. I had to go home early cuz my bro could only pick me up once he got out of work, so I left around 5. When I got home my dad tried to pretend to be mad at me by saying "barely coming home now? " but I knew he was kidding. I went outside to check on Michelle, then my mom asked me "do you have a boyfriieeenddd~" since she saw Penny when she dropped me off. I told her no, she can't know yet >.>
So my family and I decided to go to 99 for a few things. When we got there the hobo who usually sit there, got up and was walking backwards...We just kept walking and went into the store. We were near the entrance and saw two black guys run to the hobo and throw him to the floor. They kept hitting him while he was down e.e Then some dumb lady walks in saying "mind your own business" Bitch if that were you on the floor, you would be crying for ppl to jump into your business. excuse my language ^^ she ticked me off. Some guy was already calling the cops, I wanted all the men to get together and jump in but that was risky too since you never know if a person is carrying a weapon .-. A car drove by to pick up the dudes and they rode off. Ppl went to help the man. I tried not to stare. Some dumb ppl were smiling and saying "dayum they're kicking his ass" whats wrong with ppl. Now dangerous things have become amusing. Like how ppl record dumb fights for the heck of posting it on youtube and worldstar. It's stupid and the two guys who thought they were really thug for ganging up the guy are stupid too. Really? it was two against one. That's a bitch move. Dumb lady and ppl. Anyways aside from my venting. xD We continued to shop normally
In the end, I'm so happy about the date ^u^ but what a weird day